Somatic Healing
What is Somatics?
The word Soma originated from both Latin and Greek. In Latin meaning ‘the body’ and in Greek meaning ‘the living body known from within’.
Somatic healing is an experiential approach towards mind body integration. Somatics focuses on the mind-body connection, using body-centered practices like movement, breath work, and awareness of physical sensations to address stress, emotions, and trauma stored within the body, aiming to release tension and promote healing through a deeper understanding of bodily experiences. Somatic healing views the body as a key component to processing emotions and experiences, unlike traditional talk therapy which may focus more solely on cognitive aspects.
Somatic practices offers techniques for clients to sense and regulate their own physiology and states of being. This includes building more internal and external resources, building trusting and co-regulatory relationships, learning to turn inward with compassion, being invited deeper in the body, and given time and space to process pain or trauma and restore well-being.

Somatic practices help:
Restore the body as a place of safety while helping to expand the capacity to process body (preverbal and nonverbal) memory
Metabolize unprocessed emotions
Complete thwarted (incomplete) stress responses
Restore our optimal relationship to our self and the world around us
There are many modalities with Somatic practices, and my therapeutic approach is with the Core Rising Method.
Core Rising Method
The Core Rising Method of body-based healing strengthens the nervous system through an intentional combination and sequencing of somatic modalities including movement, breath work, body work and meditation.
Through this work, the practitioner and client are both empowered to work within the intersection of conscious awareness, over the emotional experience that is held physiologically within the body. Allowing an outlet to work with stress, trauma patterns, and restoring an embodied sense of balance and harmony.
The Core Rising Method focuses on three main pillars
Using somatic movement, body work, and/or resourcing techniques to address the present state of the nervous system.
Directly engaging and expressing an emotion through somatic movement, body work, breath work, and/ or meditation.
Developing a plan for integration involves applying the tools, techniques, and supportive practices introduced throughout the sessions, and applying this to daily life. The Core Rising method is designed to transcend the time spent in session, fostering transformation that integrates into everyday life and continues to unfold beyond the session itself.